Operation & Maintenance of Infrastructure
Omicold has over 30 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of railways in cold climates, e.g. as project leaders in both large and small projects, within the EU and in Sweden.
Operation and maintenance is multidisciplinary and encompasses human, organization, technology, economy, logistics, and risk assessment.

The Value of Properly Executed Maintenance
Operation and maintenance of infrastructure are prerequisites and a key competence for maintaining a safe and functional society, especially in critical situations, e.g. power failures during winter and extreme cold.
Understanding the value of properly executed maintenance is also a requirement for achieving a sustainable and competitive society.
Right perforemed maintenance results in optimal, high-quality operation of our industry and assets, and it uses our natural resources in a better way, which extends the lifespan of products and services. With properly executed operation and maintenance, also decreases climate impact.
Expertise in the Railway Transport Sector
Omicold provides comprehensive expertise in the railway transport sector, primarily for infrastructure but also for rolling stock. This expertise encompasses operation and maintenance technology, eMaintenance, Life Cycle Costing (LCC), Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Supportability (RAMS), outsourcing of maintenance, and general railway technology.
Among our clients are Trafikverket, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå Railway Center (JVTC), LKAB, Damill, and ReRail.