Research Support
Omicold and Percold have their roots in JVTC and act as advisors, experts, and scientific supervisors in various research projects, for example in the "Cold hands" project at Health Sciences, in ePilot119 – eMaintenance, and in EU projects such as AUTOMAIN, SAFT Inspect, and SUSTRAIL.
Since October 2021, Ulla Juntti has been an adjunct professor part-time at LTU and assists the department of operation and maintenance technology with the design of new research projects and funding applications.
We customize training in the areas of winter ability and winter ergonomics, operation and maintenance technology, and railway technology. Our clients for this service are Luleå University of Technology, Lernia, Centek, the Home Guard, Blue-Light personnel, and Power Plant personnel.
Education in the area of winter ability and winter ergonomics includes, among other things, how severe weather affects human performance, the risks that arise, and how these can be prevented and mitigated.